15 Maya Angelou Quotes About Life

15 Of The Best Maya Angelou quotes about life 1. I know that when I pray, something wonderful happens. Not just to the person or persons for whom I’m… 15 Maya Angelou Quotes About Life


Wine to Sunshine Part 3

Sorry I haven’t written since feb. 23. That’s way too long. It’s a big part of my unintentional new life, the invisible D’s we’ll call them. I think my title W to S might be very misleading to some people. It sounds like I just quit drinking, I did but that was almost 10 yrs. READ MORE

What interests you?

I’ll start with my interests, hobbies, life, food, etc. I’m currently doing the keto diet. I lost 15lbs last year then I went to Mexico for 3 months, ate all their hellacious, yummy, healthy food and pastries & gained it all back. It was worth it though and now we’re moving to Mexico next month! READ MORE

The 8 minute stretch relieves stress from your mind and body

http://www.wellandgood.com/8-minute-stretch/ Believe it or not sitting a lot like most of us have been doing the last year is very hard on your body your body needs to move or as the saying goes, “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”. and you definitely don’t want to lose it! Eventually, the world Will get READ MORE

Happy Valentine’s Day from my family to yours!

Part of my beautiful family. My daughter, Hannah, son in law, Hunter & gorgeous grandson, Hayden ! Happy Valentine’s Day !!!

The Unsaid Goodbye

All we needed was that split second, locking into each other through the glass; the eyes that mesmerized me from day one, the smile that took my … The Unsaid Goodbye

LOVE, MOTHER: A loving mother is the greatest gift of all

Photo by Dazzle Jam on Pexels.com Mothers are like super humans, They are there whenever we need them, They can be whatever we want them to be, Photo… LOVE, MOTHER: A loving mother is the greatest gift of all

How love helps?

Well, “love” is an extremely sensitive connotation of a long-lasting relationship. LOVE has several aspects and definitions- Self-love, mother-son … How love helps?

A Feeling So Fair (a poem)

A Feeling So Fair Friends, Treasures have been bestowed and wars fought in the name of love. We often feel the need to display our feelings in … A Feeling So Fair (a poem)

blog.poshmark.com/2021/01/14/today-we-ring-the-bell-with-you/ I have been on Poshmark for 4 years, have 115,000 followers and I love it! Visit me there at: Poshmark.com/closet/iamjerbear It’s a great community!

Today I wish…

Since strict lockdown regulations prohibit beach life in South Africa … Today I wish…

Beach Life At Aberavon

I live next to the beach, and it’s a beautiful place to live. We have so much to offer at Aberavon, and sometimes it’s nice to just photograph the … Beach Life At Aberavon