Beginners Strength Workout Training exercises

7 habits of happy productive people who choose happiness Being happy is a choice that you make every day. no-one else can make you happy only you it’s your life and you live it the way that you want to. if you want to be unhappy it’s your choice, if you want to be happy that’s also your choice. yes there are sad READ MORE

The 8 minute stretch relieves stress from your mind and body Believe it or not sitting a lot like most of us have been doing the last year is very hard on your body your body needs to move or as the saying goes, “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it”. and you definitely don’t want to lose it! Eventually, the world Will get READ MORE

Surround Sound in the Quarantine Home Gym

One of my goals way back in January was to lose some weight this year. Age and hypothyroidism mean I’ve packed on a few more pounds than I am … Surround Sound in the Quarantine Home Gym